98 Tc tdz Thidiazuron Price Agriculture Plant Hormone Tdz 50%WP Thidiazuron With Competitive Price
Thidiazuron (TDZ) has gained considerable attention during past decades due to its efficient role in plant cell and tissue
culture. A Wide array of physiological responses were observed in response to TDZapplication in different plant species. TDZ
has shown both auxin and cytokinin like effects, although, chemically, it is totally different from commonly used auxins and
cytokinins. A number of biological (physiological and biochemical) events in cells are induced or enhanced by TDZ, but the
mode of action of TDZ is yet unknown. However, varieties of underlying mechanisms were revealed by reports showing how
morphogenic events were induced by the application of TDZ. Other reports showed that TDZ may modify endogenous plant
growth regulators, either directly or indirectly and produce reactions in cell/tissue, necessary for its division/regeneration.
Other possibilities include modification in cell membrane, energy levels, nutrient absorption, transport and assimilation,
Thidiazuron (TDZ) mainly used as defoliant on cotton; also, sprayed on grapes, apple, peach, mango etc.